
PLESHANOV, Pavel Fyodorovich

1829, Rostov – 1882, St Petersburg

Painter, portraitist and creator of paintings on religious and historical subjects. Son of a merchant. Studied at the St Petersburg Commercial College and the Imperial Academy of Arts (under Fyodor Bruni). Awarded a minor gold medal and a title of the artist of the third degree (1854) for The Prophet Elisha Raising the Widow of Zarephath’s Son. Academician (1857) for Grand Prince Ivan the Terrible and Priest Sylvester. Professor (1869) for Murder of TsarevichDimitryinUglich. Executed paintings after his studies for the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Assistant of the head of the mosaic department at the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1878).

Collection of the Russian Museum
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Царь Иоанн Грозный и иерей Сильвестр во время большого московского пожара 24 июня 1547 года
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