
1787, Pskov - 1855, St Petersburg

Neva Embankment at the Imperial Academy of Arts View of the Landing Wharf with Egyptian Sphinxes by Day


  • oil on canvas. 75 x 111
  • Ж-5122

  • Пост. в 1944 из Ювелирторга, Ленинград; ранее – собрание В. Н. Аргутинского-Долгорукова, Петербург

Much of Maxim Vorobyov’s oeuvre addresses the solemnity and majesty of St Petersburg. This particular work depicts the descent to the River Neva next to the Imperial Academy of Arts — Konstantin Ton’s New Academy Landing Wharf (1832–34). The mooring point is adorned with two sculptures of Egyptian sphinxes allegedly portraying the head of Pharaoh Amenhotep III (13th century BC). Russian Museum: From Icons to the Modern Times. Palace Editions, St Petersburg, 2015. P. 116.

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