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View of the Yauza Bridge and Shapkin’s House in Moscow
View of the Yauza Bridge and Shapkin’s House in Moscow
View onto Moscow from the Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in the Direction of the Moskvoretsky Bridge
View onto Moscow from the Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in the Direction of the Moskvoretsky Bridge
View onto the Stroganov Dacha in St Petersburg
View onto the Stroganov Dacha in St Petersburg
Екатерина I спасает Петра под Прутом (Петр I в лагере у Прута / Екатерина входит в палатку к Петру I)
Екатерина I спасает Петра под Прутом (Петр I в лагере у Прута / Екатерина входит в палатку к Петру I)
Портрет баронессы Марии Ивановны Колокольцовой
Портрет баронессы Марии Ивановны Колокольцовой
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны
Портрет императрицы Марии Федоровны
Late 18th century
Maiden’s Headband
Maiden’s Headband
Late 18th — early 19th century
Portrait of Anna Bezobrazova
Portrait of Anna Bezobrazova
Late 1790s
Portrait of Anna Protasova, Maid of Honour of the Bedchamber to Catherine II
Portrait of Anna Protasova, Maid of Honour of the Bedchamber to Catherine II
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
Portrait of Grand Duchess Alexandra Pavlovna
End of 1790s
Portrait of Marfa Arbenieva
Portrait of Marfa Arbenieva
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
Portrait of the Empress Marie Fyodorovna
View Towards the Stone Bridge from a Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in Moscow
View Towards the Stone Bridge from a Balcony of the Kremlin Palace in Moscow
View from the Balcony of the Ostankino Palace outside Moscow
View from the Balcony of the Ostankino Palace outside Moscow
View of the Town of Bakhchisarai
View of the Town of Bakhchisarai
Between 1798 and 1800
View onto Tsaritsyn Field in the Environs of Kolomenskoye outside Moscow
View onto Tsaritsyn Field in the Environs of Kolomenskoye outside Moscow
Девичий головной убор — повязка
Девичий головной убор — повязка
Chain with Cross
Chain with Cross
18th early 19th century
Late 18th century

Total: 144
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Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Portrait of the Tsarevna Natalia Alexeyevna, Sister of Peter I
Before 1716
Self-Portrait with Wife
Self-Portrait with Wife
1729 (?). After 1727 (?)
Anna Ioannovna with a Little Negro Boy
Anna Ioannovna with a Little Negro Boy
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
Portrait of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich and Grand Duchess Catherine Alexeyevna
1745 (?)
Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore
Portrait of Sarah Eleanore Fairmore
1749/1750 (?)
18th century
Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Lobanova-Rostovskaya
Portrait of Princess Ekaterina Lobanova-Rostovskaya
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
The Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna from the Summer Palace in St.Petersburg
Third quarter of XVIII century
Portrait of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Portrait of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna
Portrait of Catherine the Great
Portrait of Catherine the Great
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of Countess Anna Vorontsova, née Skavronskaya, Wife of the Chancellor Count Mikhail Vorontsov
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Portrait of Countess Maria Rumyantseva, née of Countess Matveyeva, Wife of Count Alexander Rumyantsev
Vladimir and Rogneda
Vladimir and Rogneda
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Khruschova and Ekaterina Khovanskaya
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Ekaterina Nelidova
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Alexandra Levshina
Portrait of Glafira Alymova
Portrait of Glafira Alymova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova
Portrait of Yekaterina Molchanova

The Mediateka

Year: 2022 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 12:02
Year: 2019 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from 13 February to 12 June 2019.

Year: 2018 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian

Virtual tour of the exhibition, held in the Russian Museum from November 23, 2017 to March 26, 2018.

Year: 2016 | Virtual tours | Language: Russian, English

The programme was developed based on the temporary exhibition Peter the Great: His Era and His Inner Circle, which took place in the Russian Museum from December 17, 2015 to April 3, 2016.

Year: 2015 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 16:24
Year: 2015 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2015 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 04:38
Year: 2014 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 14:22
Year: 2014 | An interactive program | Language: Russian, English, Italian

Multimedia program combines about 500 works of Russian artists who worked in Italy and of Italian masters who left their trace in Russian art, including those who contrib¬uted greatly to the architectural image of the Russian Museum palaces.

Year: 2014 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2014 | A multimedia film | Language: Russian | Duration: 09:40
Year: 2014 | A computer film | Language: Russian | Duration: 14:50
Year: 2014 | An interactive program | Language: Russian, English

The virtual tour is based on the temporary exhibition of the Russian Museum "You're lovely, dearie, in any attire" (5 March - 12 May, 2014). 

The program brings together festive folk costumes belonged to the inhabitants of European Russia - from Arkhangelsk to Voronezh, from Pskov to Nizhny Novgorod, as well as paintings from the museum's collection. The program enables you to explore the costumes in details thanks to high-accuracy photography and to get more information about each of them.

Year: 2012 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2010 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:47
Year: 2009 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00
Year: 2006 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00
Year: 2006 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2005 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2002 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 25:40
Year: 2002 | An interactive program | Language: Russian
Year: 2002 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00
Year: 2001 | A video film | Language: Russian | Duration: 26:00

View all events and lectures in the Multimedia Cinema

Headscarves and Shawls in Russia from the 18th to the 21st Century. A Series of Lectures

Н. И. Ковалева, М. А. Сорокина

19 February 2019

Catherine the Great in Russia and Beyond. A Lecture

А.В. Прозорова

27 February 2018

Peter the Great. His Time and Circle. A lecture

С. В. Моисеева

16 February 2016

Лекция «Украшения как часть народного костюма»

М. А. Сорокина, Н. О. Крестовская, Н. И. Ковалева

06 October 2015

Лекция «Великий князь Павел Петрович»

Г. Н. Голдовский

12 February 2015

Лекция «Женский народный костюм»

М. А. Сорокина, Н. О. Крестовская, Н. И. Ковалева

25 December 2014

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